• We Believe In

    The Bible
    -It is Inspired
    -It is Infalliable
    -It is Inerrant
    The Eternal Nature and Tri-Unity (Trinity) of the One True God
    The Person and Work of the Heavenly Father
    -His unique consciousness in the Godhead
    -His eternally divine nature
    -His invisible incorporeal spirit nature
    -As Creator of all things
    The Person and Work of Jesus Christ
    -His unique consciousness in the Godhead
    -His eternally divine nature
    -As Creator of all things
    -His virgin birth
    -His blood atonement occurring at the cross alone
    -His bodily resurrection
    -His personal and imminent return
    The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
    -His unique consciousness in the Godhead
    -His eternally divine nature
    -As Creator of all things
    The Convicting of sin
    Total Depravity of Natural Man
    Eternal Security of the Believer
    The Separation of Church and State
    The Autonomy of the Local Church
    Worldwide & Local Missions - the Obligation of Every Church
    A Regenerated Church Membership
    Personality of Satan
    Justification by God's Grace through Faith
    The Reality of Heaven and Hell
    The Priesthood of the Believer
    Two Ordinances Only (symbolic in nature having no saving power; not a sacrament)

    -Baptism by immersion
    -The Lord's Supper